A while back I posted on the new
System Sensor D4120 duct smoke detector. I stated that although a great improvement on the previous DH100 series it did have one major flaw. The System Sensor D4120 duct smoke detector would open the supervisory contact when powered up causing a trouble condition at the main fire control panel every time the end user or tech performed a reset. This was a major deal especially when you have a new high rise with over 60 of these new System Sensor
D4120 duct detectors. The AHJ (authority having jurisdiction) typically does not understand why the fire control panel starts receiving 60 troubles when you reset the system.
Our tech department has been contacting System Sensor for months (ever since this device came out) trying to get an answer as to why they did this.
Well I am happy to report that System Sensor finally listened and has corrected the issue. Now when power is restored to the D4120 the supervisory contact will close immediately. Great job System Sensor with what we can
now call another awesome product.
Read more from System Sensor
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