Duct Smoke Detectors and Dedicated Function Fire Alarm Systems
Definitions: Building Fire Alarm Systems VS. Dedicated Function Fire Alarm Systems
Building Fire Alarm System: NFPA 72 2022 = “A
protected premises fire alarm system that includes any of the features
identified in and that serves the general fire alarm needs of a
building or buildings and that provided fire department or occupant
notification or both.”
Dedicated Function Fire Alarm System: NFPA 72
2022 = “A protected premises fire alarm system
installed specifically to perform emergency control function(s) where a
building fire alarm system is not required.”
72 2022 ANNEX A =
“Examples of a dedicated function fire alarm control unit include an automatic
sprinkler alarm and supervisory control unit or an elevator recall and
supervisory control unit.”
Building Fire Alarm System: NFPA 72 2022 =” Protected Premises fire alarm systems that
serve the general fire alarm needs of a building or buildings shall have one or
more of the following systems or functions:”
Manual fire alarm signal initiation
Automatic fire alarm and supervisory signal initiation
Monitoring of abnormal conditions in fire suppression systems
Activation of fire suppression systems
Activation of emergency control functions
Activation of fire alarm notification appliances
In-building fire emergency voice/alarm communications
Guard’s tour supervisory service
Process monitoring supervisory systems
Activation of off premises signals
Combination systems

An office building
with a “B” type occupancy with less than 500 persons throughout or ≤ 100 persons above or below the
lowest level of exit discharge. Based on
these factors, a building fire alarm system is not required per the 2021 International Fire Code IFC section 907.
However, per the 2021 International Building Code IBC 903.4 Exception #2,
you need to provide monitoring of the sprinkler system if it has ≥ 6 sprinkler heads. In this case you could install a dedicated
function fire alarm system for the monitoring of the onsite sprinkler valves
and Waterflow switches. This dedicated
function fire alarm system shall be noted as a “Sprinkler Waterflow and
Supervisory System” per NFPA 72 2022 and
NFPA 72 2022 section
- Dedicated Function Fire Alarm Systems
“In facilities without a building fire alarm system, a
dedicated function fire alarm system shall be permitted and shall not be
required to include other functions or features of a building fire alarm
NFPA 72 2022 section – Signal Initiation –
Duct Smoke Detectors
“Where duct smoke detectors are required to be monitored and
a building fire alarm system
is installed, a duct detector activation signal shall meet the requirements of
NFPA 72 2022 section –
Supervisory Signal Initiation – Sprinkler Systems
“Where required by other governing laws, codes or standards
to be electronically monitored, supervisory signal initiating devices shall be
connected to a dedicated function fire alarm control unit designated as “Sprinkler Waterflow and Supervisory
System” and permanently identified on the control unit and on the record
“Exception: Where supervisory signal initiating devices
are connected to a building fire alarm
system, a dedicated function fire alarm control unit shall not be required.”
What can we take away from this information?
We know that Duct Smoke Detectors (DSDs) when required to be monitored
are to be tied into a building fire alarm system per NFPA 72 2022 section We also know that
a dedicated function fire alarm system is in place to perform a specific
function and shall not be required to include additional features of a building
fire alarm system. Bottom line is if a building fire alarm system is not
installed, duct smoke detectors shall be stand alone and are not required to be
connected/monitored by a dedicated function fire alarm system.
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