Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Fire Alarm Requirements for Group F Occupancy

Group F: (factory)

Systems required to be monitored per the 2021 IFC section 907.6.6.

Group F Fire Alarm RequirementsA manual fire alarm system (Manual fire alarm boxes) that activates the occupant notification system (horns, strobes, sounders, speakers, chimes, mass notification, etc.) in Group F occupancies when both of the following conditions exist:     

 The facility is two or more stories in height .
 The facility has a combined occupant load of 500 or more persons above or below the lowest level of exit discharge.

UL 268 Automatic Smoke Detection Requirements:

System smoke detectors shall be provided for all of the following applications:  Group F if the above conditions are met)

Above control panels and power supplies
For the purpose of elevator capture
On all HVAC units over 2,000 CFM (Duct Detector)
For releasing service
Fire Smoke Dampers
Delayed egress locks

Fire Alarm Notification Requirements:

Using a sound pressure meter or dB Meter, verify you comply with the following:

Public Mode Audibility: You must have 15 dB above average ambient sound level or 5 dB above the maximum sound level for at least 60 seconds whichever is greater.

Private Mode Audibility: You must have 10 dB above average ambient sound level or 5 dB above the maximum sound level for at least 60 seconds whichever is greater. 

1 comment:

  1. I have an occupancy coming in that is Around 7000 square-foot repair type shop that has machines with It, ( They repair drills) the building is one story with multiple egress areas. Should I push for a alarm system due to having machines

    I think less than 25 employees will working there according to the code above they are not required but I want to push it just because of buildings around it are very close and one is up against it.

    50 people working there I was just wondering if I should push for a fire alarm system
